I'm inspired to write this post after reading other recent "top 10" lists for blogging. . . an online medium that may seem old hat but actually requires tactics to evolve as the web evolves. I had a checklist for blogging and realized I should take the time to update it. While the original form was stronger than George's here, there is always room for improvement. So here's a good checklist for others to start with – by all means personalize it as needed. I'd be interested in knowing what's on your checklist that I missed?
Start with the content:
- Is my post on topic and is it a concise subject matter: First, is my subject matter concise enough that it can resonate with a specific audience. Then, have I shared a complete thought and does it add value to the reader and overall conversation. In simple terms, is this worth being published?
- Do I make a Call to Action: Perhaps the most important point, what is the objective of the post and my blog strategy and how does this post facilitate that objective. Do I want to gather information or simply enable a conversation and generate engagement? Does this tie into my blogging editorial calendar? Thanks George for reminding me of this.
Now some basics:
- Do I have a compelling headline and intro: To improve the chances of being read, does my title pull the audience in and will my intro engage them further? Keep in mind blog summary listings only capture the first 100 or so characters. Make them count.
- Have I included relevant media and/or visuals: Media is always better for engaging an audience. Video is best, images are good. Or, does you blog cover strategy or a process that can be represented in a compelling diagram? Are there financials involved that can be best illustrated in table format.
- Is it a professional publication: Before I hit 'Publish', have I checked my spelling and grammar? Do all of my links work?
- Have I included SEO data: While this won't generate 1000's of readers upon publication, it is a disservice not to include basic SEO elements, including a meta title, description, and key words/tags.
And finally, connect it:
- Have I connected to the greater conversation: The key is for my post to add to and expand on an already existing conversation online. Have I linked to sourced /cited sites? Are there applicable community conversations that I should reference? Who can benefit from any relevant traffic I can drive through my readership? Can I tweet using a conversation relevant # marks?
- Is my post integration with my broader strategic presentation: Assuming the post is not standalone from my previous material, have I linked to a previous, applicable blog entry or resources that I uploaded to http://www.slideshare.net/ or other social resource platforms?
Have I integration with my broader communication strategy: I want to ensure my post contributes to my overall goals and objectives. To ensure this, I want to integrate with the rest of my presence and material That being said, have I:
- Linked to relevant content on my website?
- Updated my website with new learning covered in the blog post?
- Included a teaser tie-in on my social platform forum (e.g., Facebook wall, LinkedIn status or Group, Merchant Circle account)
And just when you thought you were done:
- Do I know what's next: My addition to the greater conversation will only gain and maintain relevance through consistency. Do I already know what's next. . . because time catches up faster than anything else. . . so keep on point and be sure to keep blogging (I've got some work to do in this category)!
Now that you've seen my checklist, what additional items do you have on yours?
Thanks goes out to Zubin Kutar for blog thoughts here, George Passwater for another top 10 here, and Josh Catone for the Mashable contribution on 5 business blogging mistakes.
[Quick 11/20/10 Update] Ran across this post, and thought it necessary to include a not on metrics here. Be sure to recognize the purpose of your blog and be sure to identify metrics to measure the success of your blogging strategy. Thanks Jason!
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